We would like to welcome our newest member of the Eggering clan! Mackenzie Nicole Eggering.
She is so tiny and gorgeous and Aunt Robbyn is going to try and not frighten her. I have that impact on small children for some reason :) Mackenzie is going to prove them wrong though. Although I am very sure Uncle Mike will steal her heart from early on. I am looking forward to lots of farm stories that involve Mackenzie.
Congratulations, Matt and Marie - what a precious child !
Whom ever said raising teenagers was the worst part of parenting has never been to our house on a weekend.
There is nothing better than Sean's friends, Brett's friends and of course our own friends to take away the winter blah... The fun thing about Brett's friends is he does not have to be at home for them to come and it so happened this past weekend he was in KC visiting Shannon. I love that !
Mende, Tim, Eric, Kasey, Cassie, Blake, Stacia and of course Sean worked into some serious jam session time. I am just there for crowd control !
As you can see in the pics below Mende's love is the microphone but every now and then she will relinquish and share :)
Friends, family and great fun ! What more could we ask for to reign in the new year. We traveled to the Lake of the Ozarks for dinner and drinks at the Brass Door. We started out the evening at the Davis condo then traveled to dinner around 8:00 which was then followed by drinks and dancing till they closed for the night. We hailed a cab and arrived safe and sound back at our condo.
What a fabulous New Year's !
Hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year's.
Looking forward to a great 2009 !
I am hoping that Santa found each and everyone of you this holiday season.
Another blessed year has past for our family and I feel very fortunate we all have our health and that there has been no misfortune along the way.
I had originally put together a Christmas video and after spending at the least two hours it was to large for blogspot. Arghh.... I was a little frustrated to say the least. So I kinda of threw at you our holiday pics. So I apologize to no reason for the assortment.
Our family had lots of fun, food and several games of Wii..... Seems to be the sport of choice right now for our family.
Please enjoy the random pics and I am wishing each and everyone of our friends a blessed 2009 !
Sharing Our Life

- Robbyn
- Mom of four amazing boys, three which are grown, wife of an amazing workaholic and the "NaNa" of the most gorgeous girls on the universe.
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