The Radio City Christmas Spectacular With The Rockettes ......  


On December 13th Brett, Shannon, Sean, Abagail and myself headed to the Fox to see the Radio City Rockettes. Abagail was so excited to see the dancing girls as was Shannon. Brett and Sean were just along for the ride :) Crystal had told Abagail at the beginning of the week about the show and she literally had a time line of when it would take place.

It was truly a special day for Nana and Abagail. Generally the Mooney girls come in a pair but I thought that maybe it was a little much for a one year old to sit through and truly by the end it was a little much for Brett to sit through but Abagail loved every minute of it.

I have never seen so many Mommy's, Nana's and little girls in my life. What a fabulous suggestion, Lisa !




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